Re-connect to the Nature with ultimate respect;
Re-connect to your inner Self with unconditional love;
Re-connect to your fellow folks with warm and kind thoughts;
Re-connect to higher beings with willful acceptance and surrender.

2020 has been a unique year, to say the least. It has been a year of reconstruction as well as destruction. Among others, being forced to limit physical contact with another human being in our daily lives is considered the most destructive thing happening. By the same token, creating a new normal to re-connect and physically interact with each other while still taking care of each other has become a lifeline to keep us sane and make our lives bearable.
As a hands-on bodyworker, I can’t do my work without laying my hands on my clients and patients in close proximity. So, my skills in providing comfort and resolving certain medical problems for my clients has been somewhat tricky to deliver. For the past 8 months, I have experienced my business being forced to shut down, then slowly to open back up, and now facing yet another wave of wariness to offer my services to the community, or NOT to offer to some extent. Like many other healthcare workers, I care about the well-being of my clients and patients. At the same time, the uncontrollable COVID-19 threat continues to remind me of how important and necessary the vulnerable, yet powerful, human touch is. That’s why I feel blessed that I am still allowed to use my skills (with proper PPE) to offer physical comfort and resolution to medical issues, while assisting my clients in experiencing reconnection with other human beings. Proud to be part of the solution for 2020.
To continue my journey in becoming a versatile medical massage therapist (please see my updated bio HERE), I completed level 2 CranioSacral Therapy training in November 2020. This accomplishment allows me to provide the much-needed bodywork for the people seeking reconnection with their inner selves as well as with other human souls, which I think we have all felt deprived of during this pandemic.
By definition, CranioSacral Therapy (CST) is 1: a light-touch, whole-body treatment technique developed by John E. Upledger, DO, OMM; works with the body’s craniosacral system to support and nourish the central nervous system — improving overall health and well-being. 2: a complementary method of hands-on bodywork; works with the natural and unique rhythms of the different body systems to pinpoint and address problem sources. 3: helps to alleviate the aches, pains and strains of life; improves coping mechanisms to allow for better management of stress. 4: improves the body’s ability to self-care; can produce profound, positive changes. "Discover CranioSacral Therapy"
I feel happy to have received some very positive feedback from my clients who have received CST treatment on my table; for example: “very relaxing,” “feel sheltered,” “my energy shifted.” For the months of December and January, I would like to offer clients who schedule regular sessions with me 30 minutes of free CST treatment. Please let me know if you would like to take this opportunity to experience the many benefits of CST.
Finally, Holiday Sale!! As a tradition, LotusVoice massage packages and gift certificates will be added an extra discount to express my deep gratitude toward the community. Please take advantage to stock up your future self-care opportunities or to buy your loved ones much appreciated holiday gifts. Here is the detailed information.
In light of the surge of COVID19 cases worldwide, I have modified my protocols to safely continue LotusVoice massage services. Besides the original precautions implemented back in June, these are the highlighted changes.
1) I will be stepping up my PPE with both a mask and a face shield when I am working. Clients will be asked to wear a mask when they are on the table, especially when they are facing up.
2) If you traveled within 14 days before your appointment, you will be asked to reschedule to a later date. Please refer to CDC guidelines HERE.
3) If you had close contacts with a confirmed COVID patient within 14 days before your appointment, you will be asked to reschedule to a later dates. Please refer to CDC guidelines HERE.
Let's Face the Reality
The reality is ---
COVID is not going anywhere;
it is not disappearing;
there is no magic wand to make it go away.
What should we do?? We take care of each other
while keeping ourselves safe and healthy!