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After COVID19-- A letter to LotusVoice massage clients

Ginger Yang

Updated: Jul 19, 2020

Dear Friends,

I hope this message find you and your loved ones healthy and well. It has been long and dreadful two and half months with high levels of anxiety and uncertainty. Many things have changed and new norms have been adopted. However, the bottom line remains: my commitments to your optimal status of health and keeping you safe on my massage table. I believe we will all survive the COVID-19 crisis with newly acquired ways of trusting when we see each other again. As of today 6/6/2020, we were informed that the massage therapy studio could reopen after 6/15/2020 and I am looking forward to resuming my work with you all.

To prepare reopening the LotusVoice massage services, I have been researching the recommendations from U.S. Center for Disease Control (CDC), Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA) and American Bodywork and Massage Professionals (ABMP). After weighing all the pros and cons as well as considering the scientific factors of the nature of COVID-19, I’ve decided to resume my practice with the following guidelines. Please read carefully.

1) I will serve, exclusively, my current clients and a limited number of referrals from these clients, no new clients outside this circle will be accepted until the end of 2020 or when the pandemic crisis is over, whichever comes first;

2) I will kindly ask each scheduled client to fill out a “COVID-19 Health information and consent form” before your appointment.

3) I will respectfully reschedule any appointment if you are having or had any symptoms of sickness, such as fever, coughing, sneezing, sore throat… etc. on any given days within 14 days prior to your appointment.

4) I will appreciate a phone consultation first before you make your appointment if you are aged 65+ or with compromised immunity;

5) I will respectfully decline to schedule any appointment if you have had travel history via airports, train stations, bus transits, or any other public transportation within14 days prior to the desired appointment time.

6) I will ONLY keep appointments when you feel comfortable on my table and allow me to wear a face mask during the session to protect you as well as myself;

7) I will cancel all the appointments if I myself develop any symptoms of sickness.

In addition to the above guidelines, I will have a routine instilled to greet you at LotusVoice and a protocol for you to follow when you arrive.

1) Besides adding an air purifier in my treatment room, there will be 30 minutes (instead of 15 minutes before the pandemics) in between appointments to avoid clients overlapping and to minimize the number of people in the building.

2) I will use the 30 minutes interval to change sheets, tidy up, disinfect the surfaces in the treatment room as well as in the common area. I will also use this time to refresh myself and to change protective outfits and masks for each client.

3) Please arrive at your appointment time no more than 5 minutes earlier than the reserved time. The waiting area has limited access.

4) Please take off your shoes or put on shoe covers upon entering the building.

5) Please wear a face cover in the common area inside the building. You may choose to take your face cover off AFTER enter the treatment room.

6) Please wash your hands or use hand-sanitizer upon entering the building.

7) Please prepare your own water for hydration after the session. Instead of providing lukewarm water, which I always did before, I will hand out a green tea bag for you to brew at home.

8) Payment options remain the same.

During this challenging time, mutual trust and honesty is essential to keep up appointments hence to maintain a healthy therapeutic relationship. I will do my best to create a safe and relaxing environment and to address your musculoskeletal issues as my commitments to all my clients. Yet, we have to do everything we can to minimize the possibility of spreading the virus. I totally understand if you decide to wait a bit longer before you start booking your appointments and I appreciate your concerns for your own health as well as mine. Together, we are making our lives better and our community healthier.

I am looking forward to welcoming you back to LotusVoice after 6/15. Please let me know if you have any further questions.

Stay healthy and Be well!!


Your massage therapist

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